Sisters of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo
Cottolengo Sisters of Contemplative life
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Cottolengo Sisters of Apostolic Life
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Cottolengo Sisters of Contemplative life
Prayer is the First and Most Important Work of the Little House. (St. J.B. Cottolengo)
Our Vocation and Mission
According to the spirituality of our founder St. J. B. Cottolengo, we strive to live a life of simplicity, joy, and total abandonment to the Divine Providence in order to accomplish our mission of being Continuous Praise to the Most Holy Trinity in the service of the Church and our poor brethren. We carry to God in prayer, taking turns in adoration day and night, before the Blessed Sacrament, the needs of the whole humanity.
Our Work
As contemplatives, besides a life of intense personal and community prayer which is the main work we also do manual work in the following areas:
Making church vestments.
In the laundry taking care of the parish Church vestments.
In the garden.
In the kitchen that serves also the fathers community.
Entry Requirements
Sufficient human and Christian maturity and deep desire for union with God in a hidden life of prayer, willing to offer one’s whole life for the glory of God and salvation of our breth
Detachment from the ”world” because, being cloistered nuns, we do not go for holidays or home visit.
Secondary education with a good grade in form four and preferably a course and experience of work.
Aged not more than 30 years.
Capacity to live and work with others in community.
Certificates of birth and sacraments.
Good mental and physical health.
Stages of Initial Formation
The main purpose of formation is to discover one’s vocation and to shape one’s life in accordance with the charism and spirituality of the community.
The process of formation involves;
Contact Info
Contact the Vocation Director Cottolengo Brothers
Location and Contact information
The Formator
Cottolengo Monastery
Jesus The Priest Convent
P.o Box 77 Meru-Kenya
Cottolengo Sisters of Apostolic Life
Brief History
St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo was a diocesan priest of the Diocese of Turin in Italy. Witnessing a death of a young mother with children, because of pregnancy and sick, he found the “Little House of Divine Providence”in Turin, where people rejected by the hospital could be assisted. In 1833 the first Sisters made their profession and from that time, many joined them giving the chance to spread in some parts of the world, like: Italy, Suisse, Florida (U.S.A.), Ecuador, Tanzania and India.
Aim and Spirituality
The Sisters of apostolic life, faithful to the Charism of the Founder, bear witness to the world of the Love of God, our Provident Father by praising God and a loving service towards our brothers most in need, in charitable activities, moved by the motto “Caritas Christi Urget Nos!”, that is: “The Love of Christ overwhelms us”. Unbounded faith, confidence in Divine Providence, joyful hope, ardent love, great charity, spirit of thanksgiving “Deo Gratias” are the characteristics of our spirituality.
The style of our service is characterized by:
Service to the whole person (body and soul) with preference of the poorest.
Welcoming everyone, without discrimination and make them to feel “at home”.
Maternal care, “with a big heart” according to the need.
Being tender, delicate, merciful, patient, generous, without expecting a thanksgiving.
Respect, discretions, elegance, ready to serve.
Entry Requirements
We welcome all the young ladies who wish to serve Jesus, who finished secondary education and with good preparation. Formation stages include: aspirancy, postulancy, novitiate, followed by the Religious Profession. In all these stages the candidate must attend formative courses.
Stages of Initial Formation
The main purpose of formation is to discover one’s vocation and to shape one’s life in accordance with the charism and spirituality of the community.
The process of formation involves;
Contact Info
Contact the Vocation Director Cottolengo Brothers
Location and Contact information
Cottolengo Sisters
P.o Box 77 Meru-Kenya