Chaaria Mission
Chaaria Mission

Our Services
Chaaria Mission

Chaaria Mission

Brothers Motto
Chaaria Mission
Cottolengo Brothers
The Cottolengo Brothers’ motto is taken from St Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians (5:14) “Caritas Christi Urget Nos”, i.e., “The Love of Christ overwhelms us”.
Chaaria Mission
The cottolenghina presence in Chaaria begins in 1984; initially cottolenghini Brothers take care of physically and mentally disabled people; later the new reality grows like a mushroom and expands into the dispensary service and the clinic for health needs in the area. Then slowly, the beds are added, up to the reality of a real hospital with all the legal acknowledgements.
Every day hundreds and hundreds of people flock to the dispensary and benefit from the doctor’s care. But, for more than a hundred, there is the possibility of hospitalization when the conditions require it.
Since the year 2000 the cottolenghine Sisters have supported the service of the Brothers with their charitable maternal and pastoral presence particularly towards the terminally ill or those affected by HIV + / AIDS. In those years, this disease infected the population like wildfire.
The Sisters, implementing Cottolengo’s motto: “Healing bodies to reach souls” try to serve them to make God known and many times to prepare them for that encounter with Him who only knows how to give serenity and peace after so much wandering.
Our Services
Take care of physically and mentally disabled people
Health Services
Education services
Volunteers are a great resource, a gift that we always welcome with joy and gratitude, there are many possibilities of service especially in the reality of the Cottolengo Centre.
The presence of the volunteer can be well enhanced to follow the daily activities of the children.
The poor are Jesus
It is towards everyone in need; children, youth, sick, disabled, immigrant, person who suffer the rejection from the family and society, “the one who nobody cares for” and we do it in; Schools, rehabilitation homes, hospitals, centre.
“The poor are Jesus”, said Cottolengo and we feel proud of being called to serve them because we serve Jesus.