Cottolengo missionary experience in Africa

Written by cottolengo

March 10, 2022


Cottolengo missionary experience in Africa has deep roots in time, a seed planted way back in 1903 by the first Cottolengo Sisters who in collaboration with the Consolata Missionary Institute enthusiastically evangelized Kenya. The Cottolengo sisters interupted their missionary endeavor in 1925 and after a 47-year long pause, the Little House of Divine Providence sent a new group of 5 Sisters to the Tuuru Mission. They relaunched their socio-charitable, educative and pastoral endeavors in 1972. Of the 5 sisters, 2 of them are still alive (Sr. Giovanna Bortolini-Tanzania) and Sister Francesca Busnello (Turin, Italy) and will be participating in the events. The other three will be watching the celebrations from windows of paradise and their stories will be retold in these days.
On this Golden Jubilee, the Cottolengo Sisters, Brothers and Priests are together thanking God for his provident fidelity which has rooted the charism of the Holy Founder in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Its a momement to retell the story and relaunch the missionary mandate in Africa and beyond.
With dignity of human life at heart, this jubilee becomes a launchpad for the missionaries to take the wings of the wind and go the peripheries of human life armed with loads of faith, hope and charity.

All are welcome to join us in this thanksgiving Mass on 12th March 2022 at 10:30 AM EAT
From Cottolengo Family in Africa.

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